What are Special Needs Trusts?
Special Needs Trusts are irrevocable trusts used to protect a disabled person’s government assistance from being reduced when they receive monetary gifts from friends or

What are Irrevocable Trusts?
An irrevocable trust is a trust that cannot be amended or terminated (with limited exceptions) by the Settlor. The Settlor also gives up control of

What is a Living Will?
A Living Will (sometimes know as a Directive to Physician) is the document that declares that if at any time the person who creates the

What is Power of Attorney for Health Care & Property?
Powers of Attorney for Health Care and Property (two separate legal documents) are used by the Principal (the person who creates the Power of Attorney)

What are Pour-Over Wills?
A pour-over will is a special type of last will and testament used in conjunction with a trust based estate plan. It typically passes on only personal

What is a Last Will & Testament?
A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that allows a person to express their wishes as to who will receive their assets after

What is Funding of a Revocable Living Trust?
Essentially, the funding of a Revocable Living Trust means that assets are re-titled in the name of the trust. So in most instances, a new

What are Revocable Living Trusts?
A Revocable Living Trust is a legal document that allows a person to maintain control of his or her assets during their lifetime and then

What is Probate?
Probate is a court process by which, at your death, your will is validated, your death expenses are paid (medical bills, funeral home fees, etc.)
Key Estate Planning Considerations
Click here to download the ‘Estate Planning Considerations’ PDF Although Congressional action in the last few years has effectively eliminated federal estate and gift taxes